An Inclusive Community

The Lindisfarne Community desires to be an inclusive community. This desire is reflected in our third Understanding:


Our desire is to be free within the love of our heavenly Father-Mother — to know God’s passionate love for us and to live our lives from within God’s acceptance of us. This love of God is reflected in our love for all, even those who are considered our enemies. It is a reconciling love; a love that seeks peace. It is a love for the whole of creation.


We welcome all who Christ welcomes, and that excludes no one! Gender, sexual orientation, race, or class do not bar anyone from becoming a member of the community or from becoming a deacon, priest, or bishop. We welcome and celebrate our LGBTQ+ members and lament the harm faith communities have caused to God’s beloved. We are in broad agreement with the statement on sexuality and same-sex relationships produced by our sister communion, the Celtic Christian Church.


Likewise, God’s love includes the whole of creation. We concur with the ecumenical and interfaith consensus that humanity in general, and faith communities particularly, have failed to embody adequately the width and breadth and height and depth of God’s love. This failure has resulted in harm to the natural world, in turn further inhibiting our commitment to love all people, especially the most vulnerable. We encourage members of the community to consider prayerfully how best to improve our stewardship of creation as an expression of the inclusive love of God.